R. v. V. A. | 2008 | O.J. No. 2563
Counsel Alana Page persuaded the Judge to reject the police officers’ testimony that they had seen 3 males throw loaded handguns over the balcony
Read MoreR. v. V. A. | 2008 | O.J. No. 2563
Counsel Alana Page persuaded the Judge to reject the police officers’ testimony that they had seen 3 males throw loaded handguns over the balcony
Read MoreR. v. S. L. | 2013 | O.J. No. 4514
The police arrested Ms. Page’s client for a series of robberies. Back at the Division,
the youth was placed into an interview room for questioning. According to Officer Aikman, the
young man grabbed him
R. v. C. A. | 2014 | O.J. No. 3091
For the first time in Canadian law, a person found guilty of trafficking heroin has been granted a non-jail sentence. Ms. Page’s client was addicted to heroin when he sold $2300 of the drug to an undercover officer over a 3-month period.
Read MoreR. v. M. M. | 2014
Two Toronto police officers investigated Ms. Page’s client who was seated on the passenger side of a parked vehicle. One officer testified that, as he rode past...
Read MoreR. v. Williams 2015 OJ No. 6301
Mr. Williams was arrested for Importing when 1kg of cocaine was found in his suitcase at the Toronto airport. At trial, Ms. Page persuaded the Judge that her client’s right to counsel had been violated since there was a 58-minute delay before he was allowed to speak with duty counsel, and he was not told he had the right to speak with counsel of his own choice….
Read MoreR. v. M. M. | 2014
Two Toronto police officers investigated Ms. Page’s client who was seated on the passenger side of a parked vehicle. One officer testified that, as he rode past...
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